Sunday 25 February 2018

BoS Prompts 14: Protection, Repel, Banish (Workings).

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Prompt 14. Sunday 24th February 2018 - The 14th prompt will be...  
Protection, Repel, Banish (Workings).

Another one completely open to your own interpretation and beliefs.  Hopefully though you'll have something a bit more hands on and practical things to do this week.  As well as more information for your books.

Protection, Repel, Banish (Workings) 

Here we are at week 14..  I’m really unsure where time has gone!!   - So I feel like we have done a lot of educational and not so much hands on so this week I thought we would look at some simple spell work – Protection, Repel and Banish.  But of course I need to chat away a whole bunch first and bore you to death as per usual hehe.

So first of all there are many types of spells and many types of those types of spell and many ways in which we can do all of that..  So 3 types of spells / workings would be ‘Protection’, ‘Repel’ and ‘Banish’ – I’ve banned these 3 together while very different we can tackle them the same.

As said there are many ways in which we can go about doing this.  First let me say that you don’t always have to cast a circle, call the quarters, invoke spiritual or divine or ancestral beings etc.  And as mentioned there’s more than a few items you could use such as different coloured candles; I found most common to be Black – Negative, White – Purity, Brown – Home / Earth not to say that other colours aren’t used) I of course did a blog on Colours & Candles which you may find useful for reference – though you should have wrote that in your BoS!   I also mentioned in the Herbs and Stones section of this blog entry that there are many different herbs and stones you can use which have Protection, Negative Repel and Banish properties and the same with essential oils.  Also you could look more into the Elder Futhark runes or other runes and symbols such as The Vegvisir which I believe in Norse Mythology is used for guidance (as in travel) and protection.  Similarly Sigils can be created for protection, repel of evil or negativity or bad entities etc and even to banish bad emotions, fears, anxieties etc..

Before we continue I guess I should clear a few misconceptions about magick and the best way for me to do that is to explain it though my beliefs.  Which are that there’s no Hollywood magic..  Sorry but you’re not going to wave your wand and turn you rat into a teacup, a pumpkin into a carriage or magically make something appear in the physical form – Side note, no you do not NEED a wand to do magick!!  The magick we are talking about here is based on your intentions, your energies and the way I see it working is that you’re putting your energies and desires out there into the world, nay into the universe and possibly even into other realms, dimensions and planes of existence..  You’re workings are working towards a goal and setting intentions for you to then carry out.  For me if I have a stone in my pocket to aid me with anxieties that stone is there as a reminder that I am strong enough to get through this event and it’s not some other dimension portal thing that’s going to magically suck all the anxieties away..  I don’t feel that by burning sage you’re going to purify anything but I do feel by burning sage and BELIEVING in it and not doubting and putting your positive energies into doing this activity of burning sage and putting your request physically out there that things happen more so when you work towards it and believe.  I don’t believe by just burning a candle, hanging something over a door or having a statue is in and of itself going to do the magickal deed.  I do however believe that by doing the act of burning a candle or seeing items over and over again or even (as mentioned in my sigial blog) how when you’ve had an item in one place so long it blends in and becomes part of your home and part of your furniture that you don’t really see it any more and then it becomes a part of your subconcience and you notice it without noticing it (I’m hoping you know what I mean as that’s difficult to explain) and then that subconscious part is the part that does the magick it’s the part that creates dajavu that makes you think of other things and can associate two unrelated things (which most call coincidence) which we say is fate.  There’s a very fine line for me where I struggle with the wanting to believe and the doubt.  I struggle with “‘if I can’t see it then it’s not real” yet I expect people to believe me when I say I have fibromyalgia and I’m in terrible pain – pain can’t be seen.. doesn’t make it not real?  So there for if I believe in pain which can’t be seen which is caused by the chemical reaction in the brain and not physical damage or issue then why can’t I believe in magick?  Deity?  Fate?  Spells?  I diverse..  For me I feel doubt or disbelief is why people feel that magick doesn’t work for them..  Much like keep telling yourself you’re going to fail that test.. You will.  You’re not going to get a job.. You won’t.  No one likes you.. They won’t.  Try being more optimistic, more positive and believe even in the impossible and that’s when the magick starts..

So now I’ve waffled for a bit, you still here?  Good!!

So let’s look at the topic shall we first what do I mean by Protection, Repel, Banish?  So protection comes in many forms..  Protection for yourself, your friend, lover, partner, children, your family, home, pet, car, school, place of worship…..  And I don’t mean armed bodyguards, bars on the windows and a can of mace/pepper spray at the ready.  I’m talking about that unexplained other world magickal kind of protection.  That which makes you feel like a near death experience you were touched by an angel, the hand of god, fate, luck…..  That feeling that someone is watching over you and protecting you..  That wanting for God to protect or some divine intervention to happen to keep you, your loved ones and the things you love safe and sound and filled with positivity and happiness.  Same with Repel and Banish.. 

These three are some of the very basic beginner things, so easy to do yet so powerful.  As mentioned before we can use candles, stones, herbs, oils, a mixture of the above…  We can also pray, write our intentions on paper and burn it, give offerings to the divine in exchange for our request..  And it’s not just our culture / religion / faith that does this..  Where is the line between religions such as Christianity that pray to God for the safety of their children, Muslims who give offering in thanks for the safety of their children, Pagans who light candles and send out their intentions for the safety of their children..  I can continue.   

It doesn’t have to be complicated.  You don’t need to go sacrifice your first born (in fact I beg of you please don’t do that!!)   It can be simple things like when you make a cup of tea or coffee stirring clockwise to bring or anti-clockwise to remove or place your hands over the mug and think of your desire request it be grateful for what you have say some words - this is very similar to blessing!  Some people do this with the water they bath in to bring positivity by day and wash away negativity by night.  Perhaps try holding your hands over the water and asking for the negative energies of your day to be washed away.  Perhaps try adding sea salt for purification (or any salt, even Epsom salt) perhaps try adding this to a bath again blessing the water and asking for the negative energies to be washed away.  Salt carries water element properties as well as purification properties; Epsom salt is also really good for physical body relaxation and healing!!  (If you’re like me you can’t get in a bath..  make your own shower salt scrub perhaps use oils or herbs and put your intentions into the scrub for its purpose to aid purify you and remove negative energies!!) you could also add herbs or essential oils that have the properties you desire. 
You could also try some more traditional witchy tips like..
  • Hanging a besom (broom) above your door to ward away evil.
  • Burying iron coffin nails under your porch steps to keep your property from harm.. 
    - Iron is known for warding off evil entities and energies. So by simply having them around can protect you..  I know people who also wear them in jewellery during ritual.  Coffin nails can also be used in curses and more “bad / dark” magick workings so be careful how you use them.
  • The use of Salt placing it on your window sills, or any entry way to your home, gives protection so spirits and entities cannot cross over - unless invited by you (this is why circles are often cast with a ring of salt protection).  – This is also a good one for keeping out slugs, a few other creepy crawlies and is great against damp and mould!
  • Add a bell or chime over your main entrance door so when it rings it will scare evil spirits away and keep them from entering your home.  Bells also clear vibrations and a lot of people use them to start and end rituals and workings especially those where you’re calling upon a spirit.
  • Witches ball - take a clear ball (typically glass but plastic will work) and put in various ingredients to make a protective witches ball, inc some string inside and hang it in your window so spirits will be attracted to the shiny object but get tangled in the strings and not able to enter your home.  Alternatively a bright colourful ball will attract and entrap or act like a scarecrow.
  • Dreamcatchers hang one in your bedroom window by night it catches all the negative energies inc negative and bad dreams and then when the sun rises in the morning it kills anything caught in the dreamcatchers web.  – I’m actually very into dream catchers.  Their history with the spider lady and her children origin is a little creepy but one I enjoy.
  • Hang a hideous looking witch or more traditional looking witch (kitchen witch) in your kitchen / kitchen window to ward away negative energies and show that this home (kitchen being the heart of the home) is protected. 
  • Create a witches ladder of protection and hang it above your altar. 
  • Use smudge sticks of sage and smudge your home to clear away negativity alternative you can create an essential oil and water blend in a spray bottle if you're not allowed to set fire to herbs in your home.  You can also include sage essential oil in your homemade cleaning recipes. - As seen here use these natural cleaners with essential oils.  Note.  Be mindful of what essential oils you use as some are not safe for pets, some are not safe for various furnitures and some may react with the products and create unpleasant smells.

There are many many many simple things you can do which will have great effect.  You do however need to remember a few things first of all even if you don’t believe in the threefold law (everything you do good or bad comes back on you three times more) or Karma still only do things with the right and true intentions.  Be careful what you do, it’s similar to be careful what you wish for and as Rumpelstiltskin says “all magic comes with a price, dearie!”

So where do we find such spells, rituals, workings etc..?  Well there’s so many books out there and so many websites (though be careful with websites!) and they’re so so so easy to write yourself – it doesn’t have to rhyme, it doesn’t have to be long, it doesn’t have to be complicated.  A good rule would be not to ask someone for a spell, ritual or working.  Often people put themselves into it making it personal and asking is offensive, and shows how lazy you are!!  It doesn’t paint you in a good light especially if you’re trying to claim you’ve been a Witch/Pagan for more than a week!  Plus stealing other peoples work..  copying other peoples work..  and it may not always work!!  But I would advise books..  One book I like particular is The Elemental Encyclopaedia of 20,000 Spells (or the cheaper version 5,000 Spells but if you have the 20,000 don’t get the 5,000 it already has them!).  Which I like to take the spells write them down and then adapt them and add too and change and make them my own and make them personal sometimes it will be a one off thing I do.  Others I’ll write the recipe down in my working book and then if it works I’ll copy it to my Book of Shadows which over time may be added, changed and recreated many times over.  YouTube is also a great resource with YouTubers such as Molly Roberts -HerSpeakKelly-Ann MaddoxAdam BalanJoey MorrisTipToeChickTarot Tribe Beyond WorldsLadyGraveDancerEarthly AlchemyRaven FlowerOwlvine GreenJoanna DeVoeDragonFeather369AmethystErick Silvermoon and CircleofHeka just to name a few..  Love Simple banishing spell with 3 limes by YouTuber CircleofHeka


  • Research more Protection, Repel, Banish workings / spells / rituals.  
  • (Optional) Write one.. 
  • (Optional) Practice one.. 

Book Activity..

  • (Optional) Copy down any information from above you think you will find useful.

Interact with me Activity..

  • (Optional) Feel free to share your experience with the group and/or me..
  • (Optional) on the Fb Page feel free to add any information you deem worthy..  


    Thank you all for the support.  For anyone wishing to share, ask for help, talk about BoS / their book and relevant content (or for more information, ideas and unmissable blog posts go to new Fb group  Also as previously mentioned you can go on the website version of this blog over on the left there’s a ‘subscribe by email’ so you don’t miss a single post from me.  If you’re on the mobile version scroll right down to the bottom and click ‘view as website’ and that should take you to the website version where you can expand, navigate to the left and subscribe by email :)  I will continue to share this on my Patreon *for free* and also on my Twitter and in various facebook groups..  & Facebook Page

Imogen x

Next weeks prompts No.15 - Amulets, Talismans & Charms

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