Sunday 18 February 2018

BoS Prompts 13: Spirit guides / animals & totem animals & Familiars

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Prompt 13. Sunday 18th February 2018 - The 13th prompt will be...  
Spirit guides / animals & totem animals & Familiars

Another one completely open to your own interpretation and beliefs.  I'm going to try and cover some basics, study prompts and personal thoughts here but these banded subjects are a whole library of study on their own.  I'm simply banding these subjects together; while different they often get mistaken and confused for each other.


Since these blogs are mostly aimed at a Witchy / Pagan point of view perhaps we will start with ‘The Familiar’ also more commonly known as ‘The Witches Familiar’ and is most stereotypically pictured as a black cat.  First let me say that The Familiar (Cat) doesn’t have to be black, nor does it even have to be a cat!!  So the Familiar is an Animal known as the third type of Animal Spirit (the first being Spirit Animals and the second being Animal Totem Spirits – which we will get to in a moment).  Familiars, like the other two mentioned, are known more commonly from their association with Witchcraft but also with Shamanism.  
One take on The Familiar is that it is said to be a spiritual entity that will communicate via human, animal and spirit realms and often takes the form of an animal which is sent by deity as a mentor / guide when a true shaman and/or witch begins their path (as a shaman and/or witch). – This is not to be confused with Spirit Animals.  Or that we perceive Deity that will appear as an animal to guide ua such as the Goddess 'The Morrigan' who will appear is Raven or Crow form and only after the Witch / Shaman has been initiated may the Deity actually reveal their true self/form.  
The other take is rather similar in that this Familiar does have to choose you and not you choosing it!!  And be able to communicate between realms and take animal form. Often these Familiars will lend themselves throughout ritual or other workings and practices.  They act as a tool, as well as a guide, they will lend their energies and also aid between realm communications.  
– Feel free to look deeper into this and form your own opinions.  For me I have 2 grey cats.. one is a pet and the other a familiar in the later form being that I chose her but he chose me..  And he is like my shadow and always needs to be involved with everything I do magickally.  Even as I write this blog he's curled up on my legs.

- Please note I am not saying that without a familiar you're not a Witch and/or Shaman.

Spirit Guides & Animals.

Spirit Guides & Spirit Animals are deeply associated with Shaman practices.  Spirit Animals and Spirit Guides present themselves when a life lesson is to be learnt although they are not the same thing.  

Spirit Guides can appear in human, animal or other forms of beings.  They’re purpose is to guide you in your choices and your journey through your decisions and actions to help you find your path and keep you heading in the right direction.  

Whereas Spirit Animals each have their own specific values and characteristics, meanings, skills, associations and unique skill sets.  The Spirit Animal will show itself not just to guide you in your life and ultimately on your (spiritual) journey but these Spirit Animals, unlike Spirit Guides, don’t always appear to guide us though as sometimes they are a symbolic and appear to teach a lesson, give a reminder, show us characteristics needed or to challenge you on your (spirit) walk to even do the opposite of guiding to test you!!  Each is to be interpreted as you deem relevant to you at that time but always with a valuable lesson to be learnt.  Spirit Animals can be almost any animal you can think of each has certain abilities, powers and skill sets in order to teach and share the knowledge and wisdom for overcoming the many challenges.  The Spirit Animal’s appearance is a signal that it is now an important time to connect with your true self, your inner self and indeed your life’s purpose.   But how to know what your Spirit Animal is?  Simple..  Pay attention to the repeated appearance of a suspected animal and for any repeated patterns or themes.  For example every time you feel down you see a tiger this could be a connection for you to help you overcome those emotions and progress.  Note there are many ways in which your Spirit Animal(s) may make themselves known to you this could be through images such as photo, video, paintings, sculptures etc of this animal is also accepted forms of appearance not just in dreams or the literal animal in front of you.  Awakening this recognition is the start of accepting this Spirit Animal and learning about the lessons and skills in store.  Though it is also imperative not to push and look for this animal as it’s more what sceptics call 'coincidence'..  Likewise you do not choose your Spirit Animal, it chooses you!!   Do not try to force your Spirit Animal to manifest itself just because you want it to.  True Spirit Animals will appear only at the correct time and place when you are ready. 

– Feel free to look into this more, also look into Spirit Walks.

Totem Animals & Totem Poles.

A Totem Animal however is the Animals Spirit that you call upon (or invoke) to ask it lends its special powers, survival skills and characteristics to you.  There’s a number of more commonly associated Totem Animals like the Wolf, Bear, Eagle, Monkey and Shark but to name a few..  Totem Animals (and Poles) are also Shamanic in their origins but most commonly associated with Native American Tribes (or smaller groups known as Clans).  Though Totem Animals are more commonly associated with these Clans/Tribes but also called upon by the individual.  Totem Animals are often those native to the inhabited Clan/Tribe land.  Totem Animals are also seen as great guardians and protectors and for this reason carvings of these animals faces stacked tall one on top of the other, known as a Totem Pole, is used to ward away unwanted beings, spirits, enemies and are a sign of protection and some may also denote the Tribe/Clan claim to the land.  Each of these Totem Animals has spiritual powers that help each clan to carry out its own special duties and responsibilities within the tribe in accordance with the attributes of that totem.  Often Tribes would be associated as one (or more) type of animal and then each clan within that tribe would have a more specific subspecies.  

Totem Poles, as mentioned the stacked tower of carved animals, are symbols representing Animal Totems handed down through the ancestral generations.  They’re also seen as a form of written demotion since way back when we didn’t have writing or a written language as such so symbolism (imagery) was one of the main ways in which information was passed down throughout the generations.  These carved animal faces in the Totem Pole not only marked the land and of course payed great honour to the Totem Animals but was the only form of story handed down over the generations  of Native Americans thus the Totem Poles were also known as Story Poles and used to convey their legends, stories and events.  Totem Poles may also be messages passed on by those who carve them or the story of the clan amd/or tribe.

– In all honesty there's probably an awful lot more to Totem Animals & Totem Poles / Story Poles but I've only learnt very basics as I don't personally feel like this is something I am connected too.  Unlike the Spirit Animals / Guides and Familiars.


  • Research more on the five topics..
    1. Familiars
    2. Spirit Guides
    3. Spirit Animals
    4. Totem Animals
    5. Totem Poles
  • (Optional) Fun activity write down 5 animals and for each of those write down what you think their top 5 attributes, skills and abilities are.  Then go research those 5 animals and see how accurate you were.  - Make it more fun and go for more obscure animals..

Book Activity..

  • (Optional) Copy down any information from above you think you will find useful.
  • (Optional) Journal about what you think of each of these.
  • (Optional) If you have a familiar why not include a picture or drawing of it and journal about it - perhaps include some examples.
  • (Optional) If you have a Spirit Guide, Spirit Animal, Totem Animal - or more than one perhaps journal about that and/or include pictures.  Perhaps if you're ancestors are Clan/Tribal you might even have a Totem passed down to you.

Interact with me Activity..


Thank you all for the support.  For anyone wishing to share, ask for help, talk about BoS / their book and relevant content (or for more information, ideas and unmissable blog posts go to new Fb group  Also as previously mentioned you can go on the website version of this blog over on the left there’s a ‘subscribe by email’ so you don’t miss a single post from me.  If you’re on the mobile version scroll right down to the bottom and click ‘view as website’ and that should take you to the website version where you can expand, navigate to the left and subscribe by email :)  I will continue to share this on my Patreon *for free* and also on my Twitter and in various facebook groups..  & Facebook Page

Imogen x

Next weeks prompts No.14 - Protection, Repel, Banish - Oh yes I thought it might be time we do some hands on practical magick!!

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