Sunday 3 December 2017

BoS Prompts 3: Pentacle / Pentagram meaning & The Elements.

Prompt 3. Sunday 3rd December 2017 - The 3rd prompt will be... Pentacle  / Pentagram meaning & The 4 Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water.

A much shorter read for you this week but more research and activity for you to do for yourselves..  So this week we are looking at the Elements - This week touched on symbolism and I just wanted to note that I will be doing more on symbolism soon, however some of that crosses over in this section..  In Fact throughout there will be cross over information.  Where possible I'll try and band like subjects together throughout these prompts..  Enjoy..

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P3A:  What is a Pentacle / Pentagram:
A pentagram is a five pointed star which has lines that cross each other, also it has one point facing up.  A pentacle is said same star with a closed circle around it - The circle is said to contain and protect what is within.  Each point represents a different element, each line a different attribute and the direction the lines are drawn have opposite meanings..  The best way I can show you this is with the following diagrams.

I Collaged These Images Together From Royalty Free Images on Google.

Image Source found HERE

A Pentagram/Pentacle is one of the most powerful symbols to Pagans, especially Wiccans, but also witches and similar spiritual and magickal folk.  – As a symbol it can be used as a marking or a sign of magick.  It can be used for protection as it consists of all the elements.  It’s a symbol of nature, a symbol of Pagan/Wiccan path, a magickal symbol, it enhances with the power of (a spell, ritual, blessing, working etc) all 5 elements, It can be used as a number 5 and the list goes on..  Please feel free to do some research of your own.

The pentagram can also represent the Microcosmic Man with his arms stretched out.  The pentagram can also represent the 5 points in which Jesus Christ was crucified.  (Hands, Feet and Crown).
Side note/ A Pentagram/Pentacle upside down (inverted) is often what gives us a bad name and associates the good with the bad.  Upside down is actually known as a key symbol of Satanism (Satanic followers) and was actually misused to give witches/pagans a bad representative.  It is said to symbolise that of a goats head or the god Baphomet and known commonly as evil – but that’s not really for here; feel free to look into this if you wish, also feel free to look into the term Occult which means ‘secret society’ and not the same tarnished with the blood dripping paintbrush as Satanists give the upside (inverted) pentagram/pentacle to be.  Much like how the Nazis took a symbol of peace and turned it into the swastika we all know today!

I Collaged These Images Together From Royalty Free Images on Google.

Image Source found HERE
Activity: Writing in your book time - I know it's scary but you're doing so well I promise!!  So here's some ideas for what you might wish to do in your book..  You could dedicate a page to the pentagram / pentacle (or other symbols that mean something to you) and then colour them.  - I know YouTuber Rhomany has a video where she shows you colouring techniques for symbols in her BoS and she colours a pentacle.  If you wish you could then use the information I gave you here (and also do your own research) to write about this.  - This may be especially useful if you forget which way is invoking vs banishing and/or which point is which element..


P3B: The Elements:
Speaking of Elements, if by some freaky coincidence you completely missed what the 4 elements are by now then we might have some issues here!!  But..  Let me refresh you..  Earth, Air, Fire and Water (the fifth being Spirit).  In all honesty I'm unsure what it is I can tell you about these elements..  It's a mixture of 1. The obvious traits, qualities, signs, feel, touch, smell etc..  and 2. Your personal relationship, correspondences and feelings towards / with / of these elements.  - A few years ago I wrote a blog post based on TipToeChicks series on spending time getting to know the elements and what element(s) work best.  We are all born with an Element.  If you did last weeks prompts you may also know that we have a Western Zodiac Sign & and Chinese Zodiac Sign (mine are Sagittarius - Fire and Dragon - Earth,  That said personally I feel the only element I don't really resonate with is Air!)  But I shall list that series here if you wish to check it out..  My Blog Containing TipToeChicks video advice.  Plus a whole bunch more on Elements!


1.  Go do some research on Elements.  Perhaps follow TipToeChick's activity and spend time getting to know each one personally..  Even if you've been on your path for some time it honestly, speaking from experience, is such a fun activity!!  Perhaps even journal about this experience..  Yes in your book!

2.  You might want to include the symbols for each element and/or the directions; The way I remember it is.. Earth is above (North), Fire is below (South), Water and West begin with a W which leaves Air in the East.  (Yes it's right up there with Wax on and Wane off: New to Full, Full to New!)

3.  You might want to dedicate one or two pages of your book per element.  Write, draw, stamp, paint, colour, collage..  Anything that corresponds for you with that particular element.  I know YouTuber Seka's Broom Closet has 2 amazing videos on her channel where she does some stunning art to match the elements she has a page for water with a mermaid, air with a fairy, fire with a dragon and earth with a gnome.  Title and Earth Pages and her Water, Fire and Air Pages 

4.  You can always leave space to come back to this section, add more over time as you work with the elements..  I know some people have used these pages to include physical pieces of that element.  I think that was a YouTuber Molly Roberts prompt.

5.  If you don't wish to dedicate 4 - 10 pages on this subject you could simply have just one simple page.  A Pentacle/Pentagram at the top and a list of element inc their star position, element symbol, element directional position and some very basic information on each.  It could be quite a stunning simple minimalist one page or a big full colour multiple pages with lot of information and images, again it's your book. - This more simpler single page is what I am working on in my book.

Picture stolen from Instagram / Hemlock Grove



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Imogen x

Next weeks prompts No.4 - Tree of Life / Grounding Meditation / Whiteroom /Prayer

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